Shadow Mountain Reservoir

Shadow Mountain Reservoir

Shadow Mountain Reservoir, located between Lake Granby and Grand Lake, acts as a conduit to transport water pumped from Lake Granby to Grand Lake and the Adams Tunnel via the Granby Pump Canal. The North Fork of the Colorado River enters the southwest side of Shadow Mountain Reservoir, and the Colorado River exits the reservoir’s south side at the dam before flowing into Lake Granby. 

Shadow Mountain Reservoir acts as a conduit between Lake Granby and Grand Lake, helping maintain a constant surface elevation in Grand Lake when water is being diverted through the Adams Tunnel. Small boats can navigate the connecting channel between Shadow Mountain Reservoir and Grand Lake. Shadow Mountain Reservoir was built between 1944 and 1946 at a cost of $1.3 million. 

Shadow Mountain Reservoir has a capacity of 17,354 acre-feet of water, 1,337 surface acres, 8 miles of shoreline, and a maximum depth of 37 feet.  

Recreation at Shadow Mountain Reservoir
Shadow Mountain Reservoir with Rocky Mountains in the background
Shadow Mountain Reservoir