Northern Water Events

Annual Event Opportunities

Northern Water Director of Operations Jerry Gibbens moderating a panel discussion between some Northern Water Board of Directors at Spring Water Users 2022.

Spring Water Symposium 

April 8, 2025, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Embassy Suites, Loveland

Northeastern Colorado water followers will hear important information to plan for this year’s water supply, as well as the issues that will affect our region for years to come. Presentations about snowpack, streamflow forecasts and water storage conditions will guide a discussion about setting the upcoming 2025 Colorado-Big Thompson Project quota. Attendees will also hear about policy issues and interstate relationships that will drive future water resources management, and about regional water projects, including the nearly completed Chimney Hollow Reservoir and the latest advancements on the Northern Integrated Supply Project.

This event is now at full capacity, but you can add your name to the waitlist. 

Register for Waitlist Agenda
People seated at round tables at Fall Water Symposium 2023

Fall Water Symposium 

Oct. 29, 2025, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Embassy Suites, Loveland

Northern Water hosts a Fall Water Symposium annually. Northeastern Colorado water users will hear from multiple speakers regarding regional water topics, as well as the final updates on construction of the Chimney Hollow Reservoir Project and the latest advancements on the Northern Integrated Supply Project. Stay tuned for full details and registration information to be announced soon.

Attendees listen in on updates at the 2025 Watershed Health Stakeholder Meeting.

Watershed Health Stakeholder Meeting

Feb. 18, 2025, Northern Water, Grand Lake Conference Room, Building A

Northern Water hosts an annual Watershed Health Stakeholders meeting to provide timely updates related to current initiatives including forest health, source water protection and water quality, as well as presentations from our collaborative partners.

This meeting is open by invite only to partners and stakeholders. If you are interested in attending this event, please email

Individuals at tables looking at screens in front of the room for a training.

Water Efficiency Stakeholder Meeting

April 30, 2025, Northern Water, Grand Lake Conference Room, Building A

Northern Water hosts an annual Water Efficiency Stakeholder meeting to showcase our previous year program results, new program offerings and help us shape future water efficiency services. The program will feature updates on our regional messaging initiative, the Conservation Gardens and Campus, commercial and industrial water management, training options, new tools and collaborations to manage and create sustainable landscapes, and discuss how we can chart a new landscape water ethic together.

This meeting is open by invite only to partners and stakeholders. If you are interested in attending this event, please email

Guests attending the Conservation Gardens Fair

Conservation Gardens Fair 

June 28, 2025, Northern Water, Conservation Campus and Gardens

Started in 2011, the annual Conservation Gardens Fair allows the public to tour Northern Water’s award-winning gardens while simultaneously attending a free family-friendly event. Our Berthoud campus features a conservation garden where staff conducts plant, turf and irrigation studies, as well as educates the public about best practices for water-efficient landscaping.

Back again after a five-year hiatus, the fair includes how-to seminars, irrigation demonstrations, expert landscaping advice, informational booths and fun activities designed just for kids. Join us for this fun community event in our newly renovated gardens.