C-BT Buyers and Sellers
C-BT Buyer and Seller Lists
As a service to our allottees and water users, we provide an opportunity on this page to advertise interest in purchasing or selling Colorado-Big Thompson Project units. This service is provided only to qualified buyers (for those interested in purchasing) or to existing allottees (for those interested in selling). For more information, please contact Sherri Rasmussen at 970-622-2217 or Kris Thompson at 970-622-2237.
Seeking to Buy C-BT Units
Allottee Name | Authorized Representative | Phone | Units Available | |
Edward Anderson | ejanderson4@gmail.com | 2 |
Seeking to Sell C-BT Units
Allottee Name | Authorized Representative | Phone | Units Available | |
Hankins Family Farm, LLC | Darrin Hankins | 970-302-6223 | 10 | |
Patricia Giberson | 970-646-2122 | pgiberson@mesanetworks.net | 2 | |
Dennis and Nancy Whitfield | 970-219-4609 | 1 | ||
Weld 152, LLC | Vivian Supinka | 724-349-6768 | 20 | |
Carol Boos | 303-775-1818 | 3 | ||
Kyle Kolb | 303-319-6992 | kyle@ycs.com | 10 | |
Ballantine Farms LLC | Mary Lynn Ballantine | 970-749-0906 | 20 | |
Janet R. Morger | Alan Peterson | 719-271-1305 | 20 | |
Jim Robbins | 970-214-1821 | 21 | ||
Journey Church at Windsor | Steve Elmore | 970-686-2096 | pastorsteveelmore@gmail.com | 4 |
Greg Ludlow | 970-302-9332 | 80 | ||
Richard Thomson | 970-669-8354 | 3 | ||
Harley Lyons | 303-877-2786 | 5 | ||
Estate of Allen R. Meier | Londa Waite | 303-775-3450 | 8 | |
Jim Robbins | 970-214-1821 | snjrobbins1@gmail.com | 21 |
An allotment of Colorado-Big Thompson water is subject to the Water Conservancy Act, C.R.S 37-45-101 et seq, the authority of the Board of Directors of the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District, and other relevant laws and regulations. A transfer of an allotment of C-BT water is subject to the discretion of and requires approval by the Board of Directors of Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District. The Board of Directors of Northern Water may deny an application for a transfer of Colorado-Big Thompson water for a range of reasons, including but not limited to a determination that the transfer is not in the best interests of Northern Water. This information is provided for the convenience of the public, and may not be accurate or complete. You have an independent obligation to review and confirm the accuracy and completeness of any information provided by you to Northern Water or to you by Northern Water, and to supplement or correct the records of Northern Water with respect to any errors or omissions.