
Northern Water Departments

Northern Water is organized with four divisions: Engineering, Finance and Administration, Environmental Services and Operations. Each division contains multiple departments.  

Human Resources 

Develops and administers programs to increase organizational effectiveness, including creating, managing and cultivating the employer-employee relationship.  
Human Resources Manager: Joey Grice, 970-622-2253


Project Management 

Leads civil project development efforts, including project planning, budgeting, scheduling, permitting, coordinating with various project stakeholders, designing, contracting and construction management.  
Project Management Manager: Carl Brouwer970-622-2298 

Real Estate/Security & Emergency Management 

Manages, protects, acquires and disposes of real property and easements, while also protecting assets owned or operated by Northern Water, the Municipal Subdistrict and the enterprises, as well as the protection of Northern Water employees.
Real Estate Manager: Jim Struble970-622-2243 

Water Resources 

Performs engineering activities including water rights engineering, water rights investigations,  Colorado-Big Thompson (C-BT) Project return flow quantifications, C-BT and Windy Gap projects operations modeling, river basin modeling, water availability studies, water supply quantifications and stream flow forecasting.  
Water Resources Manager: Luke Shawcross, 970-622-2337 

Water Rights 

Manages the water right assets owned by Northern Water, the Municipal Subdistrict and the enterprises, while ensuring the water resources of Northern Water, the Municipal Subdistrict and Colorado water users are protected on a state, regional and federal level.  
Water Rights Manager: Kyle Whitaker970-622-2259



Leads internal and external communications and public outreach, including media relations, website, social media, tours and public speaking, graphics, events and creating the organization’s official record of Board and committee meeting minutes.
Communications Manager: Kristi Ritter, 970-622-2265 


Oversees all contracting processes, allotments, inclusions, obtaining internal and Board approvals, collecting signatures, obtaining proof of insurance and archiving all documents.  
Contracts Manager: Sherri Rasmussen970-622-2217 

Financial Services 

Manages accounting and purchasing functions related to financial reporting, budgets, investments, special projects, contracts, retirement, debt issuance and financial policy and procedure adherence.
Financial Services Manager: TBD, 970-622-2344 

Information Technology 

Supports technical and information resources through Geographical Information System (GIS), client support services, network infrastructure, cybersecurity, software development and application support.
Information Technology Manager: Sean Blue970-622-2275 

Records & Administrative Services 

Controls and manages all Northern Water and Municipal Subdistrict records, while supporting Northern Water staff and Board of Directors, Board meetings (scheduling, preparing agendas and packets) and more.  
Records & Administrative Services Manager: Alyssa Alpe970-622-2312

Water Scheduling 

Quantifies all stored water in reservoirs, ensures that all releases and inflows are assigned as described in contracts and agreements, coordinates software and database support to Operations Division staff, and prepares custom report and analytical products.  
Water Scheduling Manager: Caren Aguilar970-622-2339 


Environmental Data 

Improves the quality, usability and accessibility of Northern Water data assets and assists in data compilation and analysis.  
Environmental Data Manager: Matthew Gloe970-622-2219 

Environmental Planning 

Provides resources needed to acquire environmental permits, ensure compliance and manage commitments for new projects, as well as oversees source water protection. 
Environmental Planning SpecialistSean Henry, 970-622-2284 

Field Services 

Provides resources to accomplish fieldwork, including flow measurements, Global Positioning System (GPS) applications, agricultural conservation, agricultural irrigation practices, soil sampling, automated measurement stations, water quality monitoring and water quality sampling.  
Field Services Manager: Alan Halley970-622-2242 

Water Efficiency 

Promotes, supports and assesses water efficiency as an integral component of water management and long-range water supply planning for the benefit of allottees, constituents and the citizens of Colorado.  
Water Efficiency Manager: Frank Kinder970-622-2353 

Water Quality 

Monitors, evaluates and manages water quality to best serve and protect Northern Water, the Municipal Subdistrict and their allottees and constituents.  
Water Quality Manager: Jen Stephenson, 970-622-2334


Collection Systems 

Operates and maintains the Colorado-Big Thompson and Windy Gap projects on the West Slope.  
Collection Systems Manager: Craig Friar970-622-7332 

Control Center 

Monitors and operates all pump plants, hydropower plants, water control equipment and facilities, and reservoir elevations.  
Control Center Manager: Steve Anderson, 970-622-7334 

Distribution Systems 

Delivers water from Carter Lake, Horsetooth Reservoir and Boulder Reservoir to Colorado-Big Thompson and Windy Gap project participants.  
Distribution Systems Manager: Jeremy Worth, 970-622-2338 

Facilities & Equipment 

Manages and oversees all Northern Water facilities at the Berthoud campus and vehicles and equipment on both East and West slopes.  
Facilities & Equipment Manager: Doug Clapp970-622-2292

Instrumentation Control & Electrical Engineering 

Analyzes, optimizes, controls and designs complex systems used throughout Northern Water’s water storage and supply systems. 
Instrumentation Control and Electrical Engineering Manager: Jim Nguyen, 970-622-2347 


Strives to eliminate the risk of injuries to Northern Water employees.  
Safety Officer: Todd Klimkowsky970-622-2210