Water Quality Data
Ensuring High-Quality Water Delivery
Understanding water quality in our lakes, reservoirs and rivers is critically important. Low-quality water can affect aquatic habitat and make it unfit to support healthy fish populations. Monitoring the quality of source water supplies is essential to ensure that our drinking water is safe to use. In Colorado, we use our lakes, reservoirs and rivers for recreation, so any contamination can pose public health hazards.
Northern Water, in partnership with many governmental, nonprofit and private groups, carries out extensive monitoring on both sides of the Continental Divide to assess water quality and to understand what affects it and how it can be improved when concerns arise. Some of the monitoring programs span the entire C-BT and Windy Gap projects, while other programs are more site-specific and focused on local water quality concerns.
Water Quality Data
Our water quality data retrieval page is undergoing updates. Please check back soon for the new and improved data retrieval page. While our update is in progress, water quality data is available by request. If you are in need of information, please email data@northernwater.org.