Sustainable Landscape Templates

Landscape Templates for Rebuilding, Existing Yards and New Developments

Northern Water partnered with Norris Design and community stakeholders to create six scalable landscape templates for the diverse neighborhoods impacted by the Marshall Fire, which destroyed 1,084 homes in Louisville, Superior and Boulder County in December 2021. The templates are modeled after similar successful efforts in the West with an advisory committee established to guide the project. The templates accommodate corner, middle, cul-de-sac and large lots for maximum adoptability. The plan include design, irrigation details, water-wise low flammability plant lists, cost opinions and more.

These Sustainable Landscape Templates are meant to be utilized as resources for immediate recovery needs and longer-term options for property owners. Key design goals include sustainable water use, as well as low flammability and pollinator friendly design, combined with consideration of cost of installation and maintenance. The layouts are intended to be both inspirational and highly functional. 

Templates are delivered as six base plan sets addressing three single family residential lot types: two designs for cul-de-sac lots; one design for a corner lot; and three designs for a common rectangle shaped lot. Lot selection is based on actual lot conditions in the areas burned by the 2021 Marshall Fire. 

For more information, please contact Lindsay Nerad

Sustainable Landscape Template landscape design

Sustainable Landscape Template Disclaimer 

By using the sustainable landscape templates provided on this site, you agree the templates are provided ‘as-is.’ Northern Water makes no warranty, express or implied, concerning the appropriateness of any of the templates for any specific location, use or purpose or any warranty as to the non-infringement of any intellectual property rights of third parties. You agree to hold Northern Water and its directors, officers, agent, employees and consultants harmless from any and all liability or loss related to the use of these templates. It is your responsibility to ensure the templates are implemented appropriately and in compliance with all applicable statutes, regulations, ordinances or codes.

We Want Your Feedback?

Are you currently implementing or have used these templates to guide your landscape project? We want your feedback and photos of your landscape. Please reach out to Lindsay Nerad to share your transformation story.