Partners and Resources

Landscape Renovation Resources with Local Partners

Throughout time, landscape designs, functions and features that may no longer meet the needs of the community and owners. It may be time to reinvestment, reimagine and renovate your existing landscape while considering the many benefits that a new landscape will provide. 

Partnerships allow Northern Water to expand our mission and extend our reach into the communities we serve. Our partners outlined below offer a variety of professional services to our water users, participants and allottees allowing us to offer relevant resources throughout the year.

backyard of home with patio, rock path, lawn and planting areas

Provide aesthetic beauty, functionable outdoor living spaces and increased property values.

hummingbird fluttering on purple flowers

Create wildlife habitats, interaction and experiences with nature, recreation and exercise.

Pink wildflowers with sunset behind

Improve air and water quality, reduce the urban heat island effect and mitigate storm water.

Be Sure to Know Your Local Municipal Ordinances

Commercial landscape renovations and other sizable projects will require additional steps to ensure they are in compliance with local municipal ordinances. Before starting any work, be sure to complete the following:

  • Contact your local planning office to discuss the project scope and process required for approval.
  • Depending on the project under consideration, you may have to hire a landscape architect, landscape designer, or irrigation designer to satisfy design requirements for the municipality.
  • Submit an application to amend the final development plan. Specific plans and fees may be required.

This will vary in each municipality, and the timeline for the review can take one to six months, depending on the complexity, size and location of the project. Rebates, grants and incentives might be available. Check with your local municipal offices and other entities to see if such support could assist with your project.

Alliance for Water Efficiency Logo
Alliance for Water Efficiency

With online resources for water conservation and efficiency, the Alliance for Water Efficiency serves as a North American advocate for water-efficient products and programs. Northern Water is a participant in their water efficiency campaigns.  

Associated Landscape Contractors of Colorado Logo
Associated Landscape Contractors of Colorado 

Representing Colorado’s landscape community, the Associated Landscape Contractors of Colorado is a strategic partner for Northern Water’s outreach, education, audits and grants projects. 

CoAgMet Logo

A division of Colorado State University, CoAgMET operates agricultural weather stations throughout Colorado for agricultural and municipal use. Northern Water partners with this organization to focus on future enhancements for our weather network.  

Colorado Climate Center Logo
Colorado Climate Center

The Colorado Climate Center is located at Colorado State University, within the Department of Atmospheric Science. The Center assists with quality assurance and control for our weather network.

Live Like You Love it Logo
Colorado Water – Live Like You Love It

Brought to you by Colorado WaterWise, the Live Like You Love It campaign focuses on Colorado water and its value to our residents and business owners. Northern Water utilizes outreach material that support water efficiency, quality and care. 

Colorado Tree Coalition Logo
Colorado Tree Coalition

The Colorado Tree Coalition is a volunteer organization with a mission to lead statewide efforts to preserve, renew and enhance community forests. The group provides information on trees that grow well in Colorado.  

Colorado Waterwise Logo
Colorado WaterWise

The Colorado WaterWise organization addresses the state’s water challenges by improving water efficiency through connecting diverse communities, creating innovative solutions and providing valuable resources. Northern Water is a founding member of this organization and holds a seat on the board. 

CoCoRaHS Logo
Community Collaborative Rain, Hail & Snow Network 

The Community Collaborative Rain, Hail & Snow is a community-based nonprofit network of volunteers working together to measure and map precipitation. Northern Water participates in this program and records collected data. Our station number is CO-LR-746. 

CSU Extension Logo
CSU Extension 

The Colorado State University Extension provides educational information and programs that safeguard health, increase livelihood and enhance wellbeing. Northern Water works alongside the Extension to host efficiency events, provide consultations and collaborate on projects.

Denver Botanic Garden Logo
Denver Botanic Gardens

Denver Botanic Gardens spreads its collective wisdom through outreach, collaboration and education. Its horticultural outreach programs include design consultations and other services for municipalities and community projects. 

WaterSense Logo
EPA WaterSense 

WaterSense is the federal government water efficiency partnership for products, certifications and programs. The WaterSense label makes it simple to find water-efficient products, new homes and programs that meet EPA’s criteria for efficiency and performance. Northern Water is a WaterSense Utility Promotional Partner.

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Irrigation Association

The Irrigation Association is the leading membership organization for irrigation equipment and system manufacturers, dealers, distributors, designers, consultants, contractors and end users. 

Irrigation Innovation Consortium Logo
Irrigation Innovation Consortium

The Irrigation Innovation Consortium is a collaborative research effort to accelerate the development and adoption of water and energy efficient irrigation technologies and practices through public-private partnerships. Northern Water is one of eight founding industry partners. 

Plant Select Logo
Plant Select 

Plant Select is a brand designation for species adapted or designed to thrive in high plains and intermountain regions. Northern Water is proud to host a Plant Select Showcase Garden supporting the use of durable, resilient, unique and vibrant plants. Find Plant Select species at local nurseries. 

Resource Central Logo
Resource Central 

Resource Center is an innovative nonprofit dedicated to helping people save water, reduce waste and conserve energy. Northern Water utilizes their services to extend the Slow the Flow irrigation auditing services within our boundaries.

Rocky Mountain Sod Growers Logo
Rocky Mountain Sod Growers 

The Rocky Mountain Sod Growers is committed to providing top quality turf service throughout the Rocky Mountain region. RMSG stays current on the latest scientific trends to ensure the products remain beneficial to the environment. Northern Water is a partnering organization.

Sonoran Institute Logo
Sonoran Institute

Through the Growing Water Smart program, the Sonoran Institute offers workshops to train municipalities and government agencies to adopt resource-efficient landscape ordinances.    

Water Now Alliance Logo
WaterNow Alliance

WaterNow Alliance is a forum for water leaders who want to champion sustainable, affordable and climate resilient water strategies. 

Landscape Certifications  

Get More out of the Landscape You Manage

Your landscape can do more than look nice and be water smart; it can also be more sustainable. Many public and private landscape managers are looking to implement sustainability, water conservation and address habitat loss through the land they control. As a result, non-profits have created frameworks to help in the planning efforts. They provide landscape certifications for residential and commercial landscape managers to adopt when renovating or creating new landscapes. These models seek to provide diversified landscape benefits, including habitat, ecosystem services, drought resilience and reduced water use. They frequently employ native plants, efficient irrigation and the opportunity for signage. In order to accomplish these diverse goals, they may look different than traditional landscapes, using less turf, hosting a variety of plant and landscape material, and sustainable practices.  

Audubon Rockies Logo
Audobon of the Rockies - Habitat Hero

One of the biggest bird conservation threats is habitat loss. To address this, the Habitat Hero program provides people, businesses and cities with the resources to create bird habitat in their own communities and help share the benefits of landscapes that provide these services.

Audobon International Logo
Audobon International

Interested in conservation for city-wide or larger commercial landscapes? Audubon International will help you execute the practices needed to achieve the highest standards in environmental sustainability, including achieving numerous certifications. Options exist for school, museums, hotels, HOAs and more.  

National Wildlife Federation Logo
National Wildlife Federation - Certified Wildlife Habitat

Since 1973, Garden for Wildlife has been educating and empowering people to turn their own small pieces of Earth into thriving habitat for birds, bees, butterflies, and other wildlife, and to help others do the same.  

Sustainable Sites Initiative Logo
Sustainable Sites Initiative

Sustainable Sites is used by landscape architects, designers, engineers, planners, ecologists, architects, developers, policy-makers and others to align land development and management with innovative sustainable design.

Xerces Society Logo
Xerces Society - Pollinator Protection

If you are looking to support and protect pollinators, the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation is an international nonprofit organization that protects the natural world through the conservation of invertebrates and their habitats with guidance, programs and recognition.