Drought Resources
Be Good Stewards of Water Resources
Water distribution is often a complex undertaking, with miles of pipes, canals and water treatment facilities designed to ensure residents have the cleanest drinking water possible. In Colorado, this process is especially challenging, with about 85 percent of the state’s population living on the East Slope, and 80 percent of Colorado’s water originating west of the Continental Divide. Even if your local area is not experiencing dry weather conditions, drought in other regions can have ripple effects throughout the state.
Due to the interconnected nature of Colorado’s water resources, good stewardship of water is universally needed to ensure adequate supplies for all. Though this goal may seem daunting, the links below can help Colorado municipal providers, residents and businesses efficiently manage water during times of both drought and plentiful water supplies. Sound water efficiency practices not only saves water and money, but can also help preempt the need for significant watering restrictions in times of drought.
Commercial Resources

Northern Water's Grant Program
Northern Water’s grant program helps fund conversion of cold-climate turf to water-efficient, Colorado climate-friendly landscapes managed by cities, non-profits, businesses, schools, multi-family complexes and HOAs.

Live Like You Love It Tips
The Live Like You Love It campaign has fact sheets specifically designed to help commercial properties and homeowners’ associations manage the water used on landscapes as efficiently as possible.
Municipal Resources
Once a water provider has finalized its drought response plan, it is essential to communicate the plan and a water efficiency program to customers for efficient water management. The links below include helpful resources for communicating drought to customers, as well as water efficiency programs for water providers.

Colorado Water: Live Like You Love It
Colorado WaterWise created its Live Like You Love It campaign to help water providers communicate to their customers the importance of water conservation and the value of water.

EPA Public Awareness Kit
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has created a Public Awareness Kit to help water utilities communicate and advocate for water conservation.

Water Research Foundation
The Water Research Foundation has conducted significant research on how best to communicate with water utility customers. The foundation’s website includes projects and case studies.
Model Drought Plans
Northern Water has compiled several example allottee drought response plans below for Colorado water providers seeking to develop drought management plans.
Residential Resources

EPA Drought & WaterSense
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has tools, tips and resources for residents to conserve water during a drought.

GreenCO Conservation Resources
The Green Industries of Colorado has resources, fact sheets and videos to conserve water in yards and make landscapes more drought tolerant.

Live Like You Love It
Colorado WaterWise created its Live Like You Love It campaign to educate Colorado residents on the importance of water conservation.