Nov. 21, 2023

Sustainable Residential Landscape Templates to Help Marshall Fire Homeowners

Northern Water has partnered with Norris Design to create six scalable landscape design templates for the diverse neighborhoods affected by the December 2021 Marshall Fire. These templates are now available on our website

The templates are modeled after similar successful efforts in the West with an advisory committee established to guide the project. The templates accommodate corner, middle, cul-de-sac and large lots for maximum adaptability. The templates and a resource package will include full landscape plans, irrigation plans, plant guide, low flammability plant recommendations, cost opinions, water saving estimates, construction details and more. Northern Water is including water use and savings estimates to demonstrate water efficiency. All plans are designed to thrive with less water, provide ecosystem services and be drought resilient.   

Final designs reflect community outreach to those affected by the fire that destroyed 1,084 homes in Louisville, Superior and Boulder County. While these templates were designed to be used by those impacted by the Marshall Fire, they are also available to individuals, HOAs and new developments.