Board of Directors
Our Governing Board of Directors
Northern Water and the Municipal Subdistrict operate through the leadership of a 13-member Board of Directors, plus 1 Director Emeritus, that establish policy and strategic direction. Directors from the eight counties within Northern Water’s boundaries are appointed to four-year terms by district court judges.
The Municipal Subdistrict Board elects its own officers, but its directors are the same as the Northern Water Board.
Meetings for the Board of Directors are monthly on the first Thursday of the month for a Planning Session and on the second Thursday of the month for a regular meeting. The meetings begin at 9 a.m., are open to the public and take place at Northern Water’s Berthoud headquarters.
Board of Directors Term ListDirectors
Board of Director Vacancy Notices
Directors for our 13-member Northern Water and Municipal Subdistrict Boards are appointed by district court judges for four-year terms each fall. Notices for all Board of Director vacancies are posted below.
To be considered for a director vacancy an individual must:
- Have resided within Northern Water boundaries for one year
- Be the owner of real property within Northern Water boundaries and within the county (or counties) in which the vacant director position exists
- Be knowledgeable in water matters.