The paver reheats the previous lift while simultaneously placing and compacting the current lift to prevent cold joints. It also has a compressed air blade that can blow off snow, dust and dirt as needed during placement.
Sept. 14, 2023
Equipment Spotlight: Asphalt Core Paver
One of the most critical pieces of equipment on site is the asphalt core paver, a custom-built machine that uses proprietary technology and is controlled by GPS. Among its unique features is the cab, which is the same type of cab used on a farming combine. While the GPS controls the machine and keeps it moving in a straight line, a driver sits in the cab to override or stop the paver if needed. The paver fits mostly into a single shipping container and was shipped from Switzerland with the rest of the asphalt batch plant in a series of containers.
This machine places zone 1 (asphalt core) and zone 2 (transition zone) concurrently, much like a 3D printer. The current placement speed on the Chimney Hollow main dam is about 7 linear feet per minute as it places materials in 9-inch lifts, traveling from west to east. After completing a lift, it is driven back to the west side to prepare for the next lift.
As the paver places the zones, trucks continuously load material into the ‘hoppers’ (storage bins located on the back of the machine) to keep the paver moving without stopping to reload. The asphalt hopper can hold 11 tons of asphalt and the transition zone hopper can hold 14 tons of zone 2 material.