Altogether, there are $90 million in West Slope environmental measures associated with construction of Chimney Hollow Reservoir, the focal point being the Colorado River Connectivity Channel (CRCC). The CRCC calls for reconnecting two segments of the Colorado River around what will be a much smaller Windy Gap Reservoir, in order to make that segment of the river function more as a natural system for fish and supporting aquatic life. The connecting channel will also be open to the public for recreation once construction is completed.
In addition to the CRCC, there are several other important components to the West Slope environmental commitments made by the project participants and Northern Water’s Municipal Subdistrict, including:
- Collaborative efforts to improve stream channel, riparian and wetland areas above and below Windy Gap Reservoir
- Upgrades to the Fraser Wastewater Treatment Plant to reduce downstream levels of phosphorous, metals and nitrogen
- Additional water supplies for Grand County and the Middle Park Water Conservancy District
- Water releases into the Colorado River to support beneficial flushing flows during spring runoff
- Operational changes when needed to improve river temperatures for fish and other aquatic life
- Public access amenities at some of the restored sites along the river and connectivity channel
This new video provides an overview of the West Slope environmental measures associated with construction of Chimney Hollow Reservoir. A full list of these commitments can also be found on the Chimney Hollow Reservoir website.