Aug. 7, 2024
Quarry Production Nearly 80 Percent Complete
Chimney Hollow’s onsite quarry is on track to wrap up production in early 2025. To date, 11.1 million yards of rock out of a projected total of 14 million yards have been blasted out of the quarry. Crews are still blasting six days per week and running four drills to keep up with the production schedule. Up to 14 777 haul trucks move 35,000 yards of material daily.
With nearly 80 percent of quarry production completed, crews will turn their attention to remaining tasks like blasting a trench through the quarry so it drains freely and removing the overburden for Larimer County to place fencing around the area. The former quarry will be one of the deepest points of the reservoir, with the high wall sloping down to 270 feet underwater at a 37-degree angle.