U.S. Highway 287 Realignment
A Highway Realignment
The current alignment of U.S. Highway 287 goes through the planned footprint of Glade Reservoir, so approximately seven miles must be realigned and relocated east as a two-lane arterial roadway. Construction of the relocated highway will be completed prior to the completion of Glade Reservoir to avoid a road closure and associated displacement of traffic onto other roads.
The U.S. Highway 287 realignment will do more than just make room for Glade Reservoir. Using best practices and expert guidance, the highway will be rebuilt to meet modern traffic safety standards and future expected traffic demands, extending the longevity of safety to the corridor.
Minimizing Inconvenience
We are committed to communicating with property owners who will be impacted by this project. In all cases we are committed to upholding best practices and finding ways to collaborate and further minimize inconvenience.
As the design for the relocated highway continues, Northern Water is working with the Colorado Department of Transportation, the affected property owners and Larimer County to ensure property owners retain proper access and their inconvenience is minimized. Current designs envision a frontage road to provide a single point of access to and from the highway for multiple landowners.
Communicating With the Public
A route study for this relocation was completed as part of the development of the project’s environmental impact statement.
As part of that process, the proposed route was presented to the public for review and comment during three separate periods:
- At an alternative screening open house in 2004
- As part of three environmental impact statement public comment periods in 2008, 2015 and 2018
- At two associated sets of public hearings in 2008 and 2015
Addressing Potential Water-Well Permitting Issues for Landowners
Thirty-five-acre or larger parcels typically have simplified water-well permitting standards. In working with landowners to acquire easements for the 287 realignments, any acquisitions that would reduce parcel sizes below that 35-acre threshold will be completed using easements or through a land division process approved to maintain well permitting standards.

Realignment Routes