Jan. 31, 2023
Northern Water Board Accepts Permit for NISP
At its Jan. 5, 2023, meeting, the Northern Water Board of Directors unanimously voted to accept the Section 404 Permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to build the Northern Integrated Supply Project.
With the signature of Northern Water Board President Mike Applegate and the Corps, it concludes more than 18 years of work by the applicant, regulators and scientists to evaluate the application submitted under the Clean Water Act.
Previously, Northern Water had applied for and received authorizations through the State of Colorado and Larimer County for components of the project under their authority.
With the acceptance of the permit, the Army Corps of Engineers has released documentation on its website regarding the Record of Decision and other responses to those who offered comments about the project.
Design of the project continues, with construction anticipated to begin at the Glade Reservoir site northwest of Fort Collins in late 2024.
Learn more about what this permit means to NISP in a 4-minute video.